Salem NHMP
Project Background
Salem Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP) was formally approved by FEMA on December 16, 2012. To maintain its compliance with DMA2K, the plan will need to be reviewed, updated, re-adopted, and re-approved by FEMA by December 16, 2017.
Salem has initiated the update process now in order to take advantage of grant funding and technical support currently available through the Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience (OPDR). Updating the mitigation plan is a requirement for maintaining eligibility for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs. By updating the plan and having it re-approved by FEMA, Washington County will maintain its eligibility for FEMA Hazard Mitigation, Pre-Disaster Mitigation, and Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program funds.
This project is funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) FY14 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive Grant Program.
The update process presents an opportunity for Salem to (1) document successful hazard mitigation actions that have occurred over the past five years, (2) update their risk and vulnerability assessment, and (3) prioritize mitigation activities through the year 2022.
2012 Salem NHMP (expires December 15, 2017)
2017 Salem NHMP DRAFT UPDATE (click hyperlinks below for draft update sections)
Meeting 1: October 20, 2016
Meeting 2: March 6, 2017
Meeting 3: May 12, 2017